Training & Learning
Cybersecurity training for employees
Why Companies Should Embrace Cybersecurity Training for All EmployeesLearn why cybersecurity is something your entire company needs to be aware of, and why you should get everyone involved with the training.
Rodney Laws
Rodney LawsEcommerce Expert
Training & Learning
Hybrid work
Post-Covid, Will L&D Ever Go Back to In-Person Training?Now that offices are slowly opening up, we’re seriously wondering if L&D programs will go back to the way they were. Has learning gone 'forever remote'?
Robin Nichols
Robin NicholsGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Crisis Management Training Program
7 Scenarios to Include in Your Crisis Management Training ProgramCrises can hit when you least expect it. To make sure employees know what to do, companies can plan ahead with crisis management training. We'll show you how.
Kevin Payne
Kevin PayneContent Marketing Consultant
Inside 360
We’d Like to Thank the Academy: Onboarding Joei is an Official 2021 Webby Honoree!Big news: our original docu-series Onboarding Joei has been selected as an honoree in the 2021 Webby Awards! In this post, we'll take a second to reflect on what the show has meant to us at 360Learning, and show just how much we appreciate our community of fans.
Joei ChanDirector of Brand & Content, 360Learning
Training & Learning
Remote employee training
How to Create a Remote Employee Training Program in 8 Simple StepsThe complete guide to creating a remote employee training program. Learn how to build remote training, challenges to overcome, and the benefits for your team.
Kevin Payne
Kevin PayneContent Marketing Consultant
Training & Learning
4 New Training Ideas for the Post-COVID World
4 New Training Ideas for the Post-COVID WorldCOVID-19 threw a wrench in all our plans. Luckily, new training techniques are coming to the fore that help L&D teams manage learning in a changing world.
Nahla Davies
Nahla DaviesCoder / Tech Writer
Training & Learning
What Web-Based Training Should Look Like After COVID-19
What Web-Based Training Should Look Like After COVID-19The way people prefer to work and learn has changed. To keep up, L&Ds need to create web-based training that's flexible, collaborative, and empowering.
Joei ChanDirector of Brand & Content, 360Learning
Management & Mindset
Learning organization model 2021
Why 2021 is the Year of the ‘Learning Organization’COVID-19 created a true crisis of employee disengagement for L&D teams to contend with. Luckily, the Learning Organization model provides a viable solution.
Robin Nichols
Robin NicholsGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning
Management & Mindset
Remote Management Techniques
6 Key Techniques for Managers Helping Teams Adjust to Remote WorkFor managers, helping a team adjust to the new reality of remote working can be tough. From cross-functional collaboration to performance recognition programs, we’ve got six techniques that can help you work with a team that has just gone remote.
Nandini Sharma
Nandini SharmaAssistant Marketing Manager at ProofHub
Training & Learning
How Dermira Keeps Employee Engagement High During COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has really raised the stakes for employee engagement - especially for people who aren't used to working from home, such as field sales reps. In this interview, we speak with Joe Wilmoth of Dermira on how he keeps employee engagement high during uncertain times.
Jonah GoldsteinHead of Learning, 360Learning
Inside 360
2020 highlights
Challenge, Connection, Collaboration: The 360Learning 2020 Highlight Reel2020 has been a weird year. Join us as we take a look through our 15 favorite posts from the 360Learning blog, and celebrate the moments of connection and collaboration.
Tom Baragwanath
Tom BaragwanathGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning
Management & Mindset
Collaborative learning environment
How to Create an Effective Collaborative Learning EnvironmentWith COVID-19 shifting the work-from-home norms, busy L&D leaders need a way to engage and motivate teams from afar. You can achieve this by making your workplace a Collaborative Learning environment. We'll show you how.
Tom Baragwanath
Tom BaragwanathGlobal Head of Content, 360Learning